Maker's Mark Herbals

Hydrangea, Formula #41

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Amber Glass Bottle


Hydrangea, Formula #41!

This formula contains hydrangea similarly to our Calculous Deposit Blend, but without the addition of sodium phosphate monobasic.

The adult dosage is 1 TBS 2x daily.

This is approximately a one month supply.

Advanced Formula #41 is also one of Dr. Edward E. Shook’s famed formulas. Regarding Hydrangea he says:
“…you will never find a more remarkable herb. And you see, it contains within itself a chemical laboratory of curative principles second to none in the whole of nature. So far as we now know, this herb is the most powerful solvent of stone and calculous deposits, not only in the renal organs, but in every part of the organism, wherever they may be located. Therefore it is destined to become a universal remedy for phosphaturia, cystitis, alkaline urine, stony deposits, deposits of calcium oxalate (which forms many calculi), chronic gleet, mucous irritation of the bladder in old people, backaches caused by kidney trouble, and rheumatism of long standing, arthritis and gouty affections, arteriosclerosis and many other conditions very frequently met with in ordinary practice.”


Hydrangea, Formula #41!

This formula contains hydrangea similarly to our Calculous Deposit Blend, but without the addition of sodium phosphate monobasic.

The adult dosage is 1 TBS 2x daily.

This is approximately a one month supply.

Advanced Formula #41 is also one of Dr. Edward E. Shook’s famed formulas. Regarding Hydrangea he says:
“…you will never find a more remarkable herb. And you see, it contains within itself a chemical laboratory of curative principles second to none in the whole of nature. So far as we now know, this herb is the most powerful solvent of stone and calculous deposits, not only in the renal organs, but in every part of the organism, wherever they may be located. Therefore it is destined to become a universal remedy for phosphaturia, cystitis, alkaline urine, stony deposits, deposits of calcium oxalate (which forms many calculi), chronic gleet, mucous irritation of the bladder in old people, backaches caused by kidney trouble, and rheumatism of long standing, arthritis and gouty affections, arteriosclerosis and many other conditions very frequently met with in ordinary practice.”

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